Title: "Wreck of the Nation"
Medium: Oil
Size: 26" x 39"
Year Painted: 2021
Material: Oil on Canvas
As we begin to see "Elections Have Consequences" the Biden Administration's policies are in full view. The Crisis at the Border with over a million illegal aliens entering since January 20, 2021 and who knows how many "Get aways" have entered. This is a massive National Security Threat. Kamala Harris is yet to visit the actual Southern Border. She is missing in action as "Border Czar" with no plan. Inflation is on the rise and is reminecient of the Carter Era "Stagflation." Ransomware attack on the Colonial Pipeline caused gas shortage and prices are the highest in a decade. Biden's energy policies have crippled us as we are no longer energy independent. Consumer prices and supply chain issues abound. The Middle East is now again in turmoil with Iran backed Hamas firing rockets into Israel destabilizing the region. We will see in the coming weeks how America will fare. Somehow we need to steady the ship or we will surely sink.