Title: "White House of Lies"
Medium: Oil
Size: 26" x 39"
Year Painted: 2022
Material: Oil on Canvas
Joe Biden needs to start telling the truth to the American people. No amount of lies can hide Biden's failures and at this point his deceptive behavior has everyone on high alert. Lying about the "Big Guy and involvement in Hunter's foreign business dealings, lying about the Border being closed, Biden being soft on China and denying inflation and possible recession all are making the American people wonder what is really going on? Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan on August 2, 2022 sparked controversy and hightened opposition from Beijing. One top Chinese official threatened to "shoot her out of the sky." Another important point in this Taiwan trip was why was her son Paul Pelosi on that trip and not registered on the flight logs? Is Paulie P the new "Hunter" increasing the family fortune? It is well known Paulie P has major interests in Lithium Battery companies and where are Lithium batteries made? Everywhere that Nancy went Paulie P was sure to go...South Korea, Singapore and Taiwan! Gavin Newsome seems to be measuring the drapes at the White House and Former Presidential Doctor and Texas Representative Ronny Jackson is questioning Biden's cognative abilities on view for the world to see. In other news the Biden Administration is considering trading "The Merchant of Death" Russian mercenary Viktor Bout for Basketball player Brittney Griner. What a month!