Title: The Fog Of War
Size: 39" x 26"
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Year Painted 2023
Red October Looming? October Surprise? October 7, 2023. Israel is attacked by Hamas Terrorists funded by Iran. Biden just gave $6 billion dollars to Iran in exchange for 5 Americans. Iran is the NUMBER ONE STATE SPONSOR OF TERRORISM. Israel's Cabinet invokes Article 40 ALEPH officially declaring WAR for the first time since the Yom Kippur War in 1973. Benjamin Netanyahu Announced "We are at War." Hamas terrorists struck in the early morning hours using paragliders to parachute into a "Peace" Music festival killing 260 and kidnapping many others. This surprise attack then began inside Israel killing, raping and kidnapping men women, children and babies. Reports document the burning of children and babies alive. 40 babies were found beheaded in Kfar Aza. More than 1400 Israeli citizens were butchered. More than 230 people have been kidnapped and taken across the border to the tunnels in GAZA. 31 Americans were killed with 14 or more hostages still unaccounted for. Biden is being called the "Appeasement President" as he tries to support Israel and not upset the Iranian Government pulling America into a larger conflict. Hezbollah is targeting Israel from the north in Lebanon. This is Israel's 9/11 and the worst killing of Jews since the Holocaust. Americans are worried "will America be next?" With all the unknown "got aways" her in the states due to Biden's open border policies we can only imagine how many sleeper cells are already here and God knows what they could be plotting. Hamas was funded and trained in Iran and this has been planned for some time. The guns and weapons seized that were used in the attacks could be those left by Biden in Afghanistan. Hamas thanked Iran publicly. Hamas in Hebrew means"violence" and "wrong doing" according to the Bible. As Israel begins to retailiate and bomb GAZA the Hamas Terrorists threaten to execute the hostages and air the executions live on television if the airstikes continue. Biden's feakless and weak policies have us in one crisis after another. First the horrendous withdrawl from Afghanistan, then "The Kraine", and now a war between Israel and Hamas. According to Trump " The terror invasion of Israeli territory and the murder of Israeli citizens is an act of savagery that must be and will be crushed and avenged." But wait... Pro Israel and Pro Palestinian and Hamas protests have sprung up across the U.S. and the World. College Campuses across America are spewing hate for the Jews and Jewish students are frightened. Antisemitism is on the rise. Calls in Australia to "Gas the Jews" was shocking to everyone's souls. Seems we are a World divided. I had no idea when I titled this Book "Tipping Point in America and the World" that it would ring so true today. Pray for Peace.