Title: "How Far Can We Fall"
Medium: Oil
Size: 26" x 39"
Year Painted: 2021
Material: Oil on Canvas
America is reeling from the destructive policies of the Biden Administration. Senator John Barasso said "Joe Biden is acting like the Mad Hatter pushing his Alice in Wonderland Build Back Better Bill that will destroy the U.S. economy." Biden's bad policies are failing. He is failing us at the Southern Border, failing on Afghanistan and by leaving Americans behind. Failing on the Covid response, failing on foreign policy, failing on inflation and supply chain issues, failing on crime in our cities and failing in leadership and competency. China is advancing on Taiwan and Russia is advancing on Ukraine and where is the U.S.? Our enemies are advancing because they see a weak and feckless leader. Multiple cities are now approaching all time records in violent crime. Smash and Grab robberies are escalating giving a whole new meaning to "Door Busters." The Ghislaine Maxwell trial begins with very little news coverage and guess who is prosecuting the case? None other than Jim Comey's daughter Maurene Comey. Wow Just Wow ! Jussie Smollett is found guilty on 5 of 6 counts in his race hoax trial. Chris Cuommo is suspended indefinitely from CNN. There's a new Omicron variant with looming mandates and more lockdowns to control us. Scare-riants are here again. American is in freefall and decline and just how far can we fall? As Ronald Reagan once said "Decline is a Choice NOT our Fate." Our Choice is clear to some...stay on this path or change course now... or may God protect America.