Title: "Election 2020"
Medium: Oil Size 26" x 39"
Year Painted: 2020
Material: Oil on Canvas
Election night 2020 started out pretty normal. Trump was ahead in most states but during the middle of the night 6-7 states stopped counting ballots, stopped the machines and asked everyone to leave. during that time Trump votes were being dumped and changed by the 100,00's and Trump was now losing Bigly. What had happened? Voter Fraud. Dominion Voting Machines, Smartmatic Software and overseas servers were found to be used to switch and delete votes from Trump to Biden. Fake and faulty ballots were feed into machines numerous times. "The thing we feared came upon us." Ballot boxes were set on fire and observers were forbidden to do their jobs. This was a well calculated and well planned fraud on the American people. Attorneys Sydney Powell, Rudy Giuliani and Jay Sekulow all became involved to "Stop the Steal." MSM announces Joe Biden the winner. Joe Biden will not be certified until January 6, 2021 by House and Senate. Trump does NOT concede.