Title: "Decline of America"
Medium: Oil
Size: 26" x 39"
Year Painted: 2021
Material: Oil on Canvas
We are now beginning the 6 month mark of the Biden Administration, Americans are seeing the effects of the failed policies imposed on its citizens. It is evident that in 6 short months the United States is in a dramatic decline. Biden met with Putin and literally gave him a list of 16 critical infrastructure sites NOT to cyberattack!. What the Hell? And in the G7 meeting with Macron, Macron stated "You're back in the Club." What club? The club where American taxpayers fit the bill for the EU? He blundered and fumbled through the entire few days and our enemies smell the weakness of our newly installed feckless leader. Biden has completely changed the course of our history with the Border crisis with over one million illegals entering our country since January 20,2021 and many with Covid-19 spread to every state in the Union. Covid-19 is now spiking again in our Sanctuary Country. Inflation is out of control, drugs are pouring into our country poisoning our citizens and crime is on the rise. cartels are running the Border and Kamal has yet to visit. Each day there is more news of new and harmful policies being implemented. Who is really in control of our Nation? Certainly not Joe Biden.