Title: "Biden's World of Chaos"
Medium: Oil
Size: 26" x 39"
Year Painted: 2022
Material: Oil on Canvas
The dominos are beginning to fall as Biden's second year in office begins and Biden's world is crumbling. People are fighting back and realizing they have been decieved. This is now February and the Beijing Olympics have begun. Putin is moving his military towards Belarus and Ukraine. Will Biden do nothing and help hand Ukraine to Putin like he did Afghanistan. People and our NATO allies are worried what this conflict means to the World. Americans are feeling the chaos created by Biden-Harris Regime. Chaos at Border, chaos at grocery store, chaos at gas pump, chaos with rampant crime, chaos work place, chaos at school, chaos with Russia, Ukraine and China. Biden has ushered in a sense of uncertainty, insecurity and turmoil. Jen Psaki tells Americans to "just have a Margarita." How out of touch can you be? In the UK Boris Johnson announces he's done with masks and mandates and other countries are following suit. How decieved were we on Covid? Pretty darn decieved. And now the backlash is real. Biden calls Peter Doocy from Fox News a "Stupid Son of a Bitch" to his face! Jesse Watters said it right. "The American People have run out of patience and we're tired of being disrepected. We'll see how things will go and what the future holds... But it's not looking good for Biden...his poll numbers are tanking daily.